Sunday, September 13, 2009

How can you call that syrup?

I recently took an early morning flight and was starving at the airport. I went into Chili's and got what seemed like the least offensive thing on the menu: pancakes with potatoes. I opened the little syrup package that they gave me and started eating. While chewing, I happened to notice the label on the syrup package, showing the following ingredients, in this order: corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, water, artificial flavor, salt, caramel color. Wow. I guess I'm still pretty ignorant. I thought the only options in syrup were PURE maple syrup, and diluted maple syrup. Apparently corn byproducts is also a category. Even more offensive is that this was made by (BigAgra) ConAgra under the Knotts Berry Farm label. Sounds like some sweet little homemade brand, right? According to Knotts Berry Farm's website, it started as a roadside stand, with Cordelia Knotts making homemade jams, jellies and preserves. Now the same family recipes and farm-fresh fruit are used today. Really? Interesting to think that Mrs. Knotts had access to a chemical lab was was so transparently concerned with using up the excess of corn in this country. Shame on the company for selling out so pathetically, and shame on Chili's for supporting such crap. ConAgra has no shame left so I can leave them out.

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